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Monday, September 30, 2013

"Oculus Rift Style Military Training"

now every VR System in the World is in the words of "Oculus Rift's Virtual Army" "reminiscent" of Oculus Rift even if preceded in development by a number of years. There are pages and pages devoted to the possible military applications of the Oculus Rift and they seemed to have chosen the VR Training and Simulation as the most likely to embrace the Rift at the outset.  It's possible that it could be used for Flight Simulation once refined, in fact, right now it may duplicate the difficulty F-35 Pilots are having with disorientation because they are unable to adequately  verify through their senses what the System is showing them. Everything in terms of situational awareness is on the HMDS .  Disorienting.Frustrated, many of the Systems are killed during critical operations because the pilots simply do not trust the System. The reason DSTS or VIRTSIM or Quantum 3D or Intelligent Decisions is NOT fully enclosed is so the trainee can, when confronted with a chaotic situation, like the soldiers did in the Indiana National Guard Video below, see peripherally or they can look down and see their feet or their weapon or the ground. They feel secure in their person. Additionally when a fully immersive device like the Oculus Rift is removed there is a period of adaptation and confusion much like the effects of sensory deprivation you might experience after emerging from a stay in a deep cave. There is no military program that would benefit from a fully immersive, fully enclosed HMD, stop the Cultish Madness.

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