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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

No shit Sherlock: If eMagin and Vuvix were the VR Pioneers Oculus and their minions are Custer and the 7th Cavalry: When you die in VR, you could get sick in real life: The challenges of Eve: Valkyrie

They died with their Dive Mask on.

"It can be hard to read text while wearing a virtual reality headset, and at any rate reading information takes a few fractions of a second that you don’t want to give up in battle. "It’s better to use symbols; everything is moving so fast it’s better to be able to instantly recognize things," O’Brien said.
They also found out it’s disorienting when your virtual body doesn’t match what your real body is doing. Your brain doesn’t know how to deal with your in-game avatar moving its arms and flipping switches while your real arms remain stationary. Imagine phantom limb syndrome, but in reverse.
The trick is to create something that makes the player uncomfortable and unsettled, but without making them feel physically ill. Dying in the game should be shocking, but not to the extent that it makes one unable to play. They're even discussing how to explain the minimum system requirements to play the game, as things become very uncomfortable when played under 60 frames-per-second. You don't need to just be able to run the game, but to run it smoothly to avoid sickness in the player."


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